• Image Licensing

    Image licensing provides access to images of art from our collection for publishing, educational use and scholarly research, film and television, and commercial products. All requests are subject to review and approval; costs will be determined based on your use and delivery method. Please consult the Fee Schedule for detailed information, shipping, and payment options.

  • General Information

    Depending on the use and availability, we will provide you with a digital file in JPG or TIFF.

    For artwork not currently available in our image inventory, new photography may be arranged pending the approval of the curator. All costs associated with contracting a professional photographer must be paid for in advance of receiving the image(s).

    The Hyde Collection must receive payment and a signed agreement before image materials are delivered.

    A low-resolution digital file can be provided for research or educational use in the classroom; this includes dissertations, thesis, or other school related papers. These are for research and educational purposes only and cannot be used in a publication, broadcast or any other medium.

    A low-resolution digital file can be provided for research or educational use in the classroom; this includes dissertations, thesis, or other school related papers. These are for research and educational purposes only and cannot be used in a publication, broadcast or any other medium.

    The Hyde Collection makes no representation that it is the owner of the copyright of the artwork depicted in the image materials provided and assumes no responsibility for any claims by third parties arising out of your use of the image materials. It is your responsibility to obtain whatever copyright or other permissions that may be required from an artist, his agent, his estate, or any other third party.

  • The Process

    Requests for Image Licensing and Reproduction must be submitted in writing and should include the following information applicable to your project:

    1. Title or description of the publication/project
    2. Author(s)
    3. Publisher/Producer
    4. Publication/Release date
    5. Geographic distribution area
    6. Size of print run/Circulation
    7. Language(s)
    8. Publication format/Media
    9. Image size
    10. Retail/Unit price
    11. Internet address/URL and time period that image will be available online
    12. Contact person, name, address, telephone, fax and e-mail address

    Requests should be directed to:

    Rachel Lovelace-Portal
    Registrar and Collections Manager
    The Hyde Collection
    161 Warren St.

    Glens Falls, NY 12801

    [email protected]
    Fax: 518-792-9197

  • Please note:

    • Allow 3-4 weeks for processing. Requests for new photography will require additional time.
    • Additional information may be required once your request has been submitted. Upon approval of your written request an invoice and two copies of an Image Licensing and Reproduction Agreement form will be sent to you for your signature.
    • Payment and two copies of the signed agreement must be received by The Hyde Collection before photographic materials will be released with a countersigned copy of the agreement form.
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