• Image Credtis
    Susan Meyer, Plinth, 2019, wood, acrylic, collage and paint on wood, foam, plaster, wire, and paint, , 67 x 114 x 7 ½ in.
  • Image Credtis
    Mark Olshansky, Frozen Flying Kippers in the Icy Mist with Candied Spareribs and Dandruff, 2021, Needlepoint with Persian Wool, 36 x 36 in.
    Mark Olshansky Frozen
  • Image Credtis
    Tania Alvarez, Stepping Back, 2021, acrylic and colored pencil on panel, 12 x 12 x 1.75 in
    Alvarez Tania Stepping
  • Meyer
  • Mark Olshansky Frozen
  • Alvarez Tania Stepping

Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region

The Artists of the Mohawk-Hudson Region exhibition (AMHR) is one of the longest standing juried exhibitions in the country, with a history of over 80 years. Artists living and creating within a 100-mile radius of the Capital Region are invited each year to submit their artwork to the hosting museum. This year, The Hyde Collection will house the exhibition in Hoopes Gallery, Feibes & Schmitt Gallery, the Rotunda, and around the Museum campus outdoors. We are thrilled to welcome our region’s artists back to The Hyde this year and celebrate their work!

This year’s juror is Sophie Landres, Director of River Valley Arts Collective and professor of Visual Studies at The New School.

View the 2022 AMHR digital catalog

Exhibition generously sponsored by:
Keeler Motor Company, Grasshopper Gardens, Mahoney Alarms, Spring Street Gallery, Bob & Debbie Jaffe, Giorgio & Maureen DeRosa, Joan Lapham, and Liz Beauregard.

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